An easy website to bookmark for easy access, interact with the Vice President of Education, and always be able to find the schedule quickly.

Welcome to Leadership Masters first interactive site.
Learning new mediums keeps the brain awake, working, and healthy - stick with it.
I am always here for help. Dumb questions do not exist.
Is where you will find one of the most important features! Click on "Your Objectives" and take the quick goals survey to let me know what your educational goals are in order to achieve them!
This section holds the current progress in Pathways, a flyer about the club, and general information about the club.
Leadership Tips
Blog posts will be posted about tips, tricks, and developments in leadership among other helpful and interesting articles. Keep an eye out for new information.
Role Assignments
Our schedule will be posted as individual events for each person who has a role. A new system comes with a trial run process, e-mails will still come with the current schedule, but if this catches on, this system would be a great replacement to the old process and much easier to maintain the schedule. There is a button to click that says Fulfilling Role - this is an RSVP to that specific Toastmasters meeting.
This more advanced option of the page allows interaction with the website. There will be more developed in this area as the year progresses, but for now it is an easy way to ensure you know when there are new items added to the site in real time.
Questions? Contact me! Never Hesitate! The website has multiple contact options. On the bottom right of each page is a place to input quick messages in addition to anonymous messages when desired, there is the "Contact VP of Education" at the top right, and there is an option to subscribe on the bottom middle of the page. Keep the information coming!